Leopard Gecko Ultimate Shopping List | Everything You Need to Get Started! Share:
Leopard Gecko Ultimate Shopping List
Find complete leopard gecko supplies here
48x24x16” / 4x2x2 for Adults
Adequately sized grow out enclosure or plastic tub for quarantine and/or babies
18-22” T5 HO 6% UVB Bulb and Linear Lamp Reflector (Arcadia 6% or ShadeDweller , ZooMed 5.0)
22” LED Full Spectrum Grow Light (6-7000k preferred) ( Arcadia Jungle Dawn )
Heat Bulb or Heat Mat ( 100w Halogen Bulb )
Lamp Dimmer or Proportional Thermostat
Infrared Temperature Thermometer
Digital Probe Thermometer/Hygrometer
Timer Power Strip or Smart Plugs
Arid Substrate Mix
Quarantine/Solid Substrate (Paper towel, Zen Mat )
Calcium with d3, Pure Calcium (without d3), Multivitamin Supplement (Repashy, Arcadia)
Environmental Enrichment (branches, ledges, rocks, backgrounds)
Forceps/Feeding Tongs
Kitchen Gram Scale
Hides ( Zen Cave , Zen Corner Cave )
Terrarium Disinfectant (F10, chlorhexidine, white vinegar)
BioBasin Liner (If going bioactive or using loose substrate)
Food Dish / Water Bowl (Escape proof insect cups)
Feeder Insects (Josh’s Frogs)
If you are interested in going Bioactive, check out our Leopard Gecko Tankless Bioactive Kit ! All you need to get your bioactive started!
(x6) Josh's Frogs BioBedding DESERT Bioactive Substrate (10 quarts)
(x8) 48x18 LARGE Desert Plants
(x6) Cork Flat for Kits (Large)
(x1) Manzanita Wood Large
(25 ct) Dwarf Tropical White Isopods
(8 oz) Temperate Springtails